PT Indah Karya (Persero) or Indah Karya is a reputable
state-owned company in Indonesia that was focused in engineering and management
consultation services. The Company was formed in 1961 and operated as a
nationalization results of Dutch Company named by Ingenieurs Bureau Vrijburg
(IBIV). PT Indah Karya (Persero) domiciled in Bandung West Java and operates
two business units, namely Beautiful Work Certification Services Register
(IKRCS) engaged in management certification, and Unit Construction Services
(ELJEKA) roomates engaged in managing construction. The Company also operates
several branch offices across Indonesia, located in Banda Aceh, Medan, Padang,
Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya.
Experienced HR Power Is Needed
- Male / Female, preferably Bachelor of Law (SH)
- Experienced in the field of human resource management and able to communicate well
- Understand the Regulations Concerning Employment
- Proficient computer applications (MS Word, Excel)
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
Curiculum vitae and a cover letter sent no later than
October 27, 2012 via mail addressed to:
Head of Finance & HR
PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Jl. Golf No. 2A-Ujung Berung Bandung 40294